When it comes to MR coils, the future is printed

When it comes to MR coils, the future is printed

Long exam times, patient discomfort and claustrophobia are major issues in the MR suite that result in delays, failed exams and ultimately affect the bottom line. Novel printed, flexible coils could be the solution that hospitals and other MR operators are searching for to achieve good exam outcomes, increase patient satisfaction, and reduce costs. 

Symposium Unites Academic, Industry, and Government Partners Around Children's Health

Symposium Unites Academic, Industry, and Government Partners Around Children's Health

UCSF and the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospitals hosted the Second Annual Engineering for Children's Health Symposium. The event included research talks by faculty, pediatric device demos, a design workshop, a panel on incentivizing innovation in pediatrics, and a keynote by Vasum Peiris, MD, MPH, Chief Medical Officer of FDA's Center for Devices and Radiological Health.